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내가 만든 빵과 떡 Bread & Rice cake that I made
파도와 바람
2011. 2. 19. 19:40
이제야 내가 빵도 떡도 만든다 할 만한 실력(?)이 되었다.
식빵은 식빵 맛이 나고 떡은 떡 맛이 난다. 더 바랄 것이 뭐 있겠나?
At last, I say I can make bread and rice cake. See below!!!
Now, my bread tastes like real bread and rice cake tastes like real rice cake. Hahahaha...
Frankly speaking, my home-made bread was eaten very hard by even me. My husband didn't like to eat it. But I didn't blame him. I could understand him.