Lois Lowry
John Newbery Medal
평점 : ★★★★★
청소년을 위한 책인데 어른이 읽어도 매우 좋은 책이라고 생각합니다. 짜임새 있는 스토리에 극적인 반전까지 있어 책을 읽는 내내 지루한 구석은 조금도 없었습니다.
아직 한글번역본은 나오지 않은 것 같은데, 영어 원문으로 읽어도 그리 어렵지 않습니다. 혹시 Harry Poter를 영어 원문으로 읽다가 자신의 영어실력에 대한 실망감을 느끼신 분들은 도전해 보셔도 좋을 듯 합니다.
정말 괜찮은 책입니다.
Jona's world is perfect. Everything is under control. There is no war or fear or pain. There are no choices. Every person is assigned a role in the Community.
When Jonas turns twelve, he is singled out to receive special training from the Giver. The Giver alone holds the memories of the true pain and pleasure of life. Now it's time for jonas to receive the truth. There is no turning back.
(the most favorite phrase)
If he had stayed in the community, he would not be. It was as simple as that. Once he had yearned for choice. Then, when he had had a choice, he had made the wrong one : the choice to leace. And now he was starving.
But if he had stayed...
His thoughts continued. If he had stayed, he would have starved in other ways. He would have lived a life hungry for feelings, for color, for love.
'속초댁 서재' 카테고리의 다른 글
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