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봄이 오나 봅니다, 그리 기다리던 봄이... Spring came to my garden, finally. 봄이 왔어요. 봄이..... 더보기
주롱 새공원 Jurong Bird Park There are so many birds here and there in Singapore. One day when we were walking along the Orchad road, we felt it was very noisy. The suspect of the noise was birds. Maybe over several thousand birds, I guess. These many birds can be the basement of making Jurong Bird Park. The biggest bird park in the world. 더보기
에스플라네이드 Esplanade, the most famous place in Singapore One of the most famous places in Singapore is Esplanade. Most buildings here were made by Korean construction company like Ssangyong, Hyundai etc. From Esplanade to River valley, where my friend's home is, we walked from time to time. On our way home we saw very big chilly crabs, which were imported from Sri Lanka. 더보기
싱가폴에서 먹은 음식들 Food we ate in Singapore It would not be wrong to say this Singapore trip was food trip. Thanks to my husband's friend and his wife, we had various chances to eat Korean food as well as Singapore food. I'm afraid I didn't get many food pictures, because I was a little lazy to take pictures. The following is the first food we ate in Singapore food court. The name is "Yong Tau Foo" If we select several ingredients from th.. 더보기
The cheapest product in Singapore is kitchenware, they say. My bag was full of food like Kimchi, korean dumpling, etc from Korea to Singapore, but it would be filled with kitchenware from Singapore to Korea. Why? The cheapest and best product in Singapore is kitchenware, my junior said. She asked me to get some WMF and Henkel kitchenware. These days Singapore becomes the place that shoppers love most, beating Hongkong. I don't know a lot about kitchenwar.. 더보기